Master Plant Dieta

Tarapoto Peru

December 2024, tba

We offer this opportunity to those with prior Infinity Retreat experience and who are seeking a deeper connection with the teacher and healing plants of the Amazon.

3 weeks solitary retreat. Single tambo.. 2-3 ayahuasca ceremonies per week.. Shamanic plant dieta. Tobacco purge. Kambô ceremonies. Personal support and guidance. Flower baths. Tailored food.

All incl.: $ 4,450,- in a single Tambo.

Master Plants are plants that bring us closer to the spirit world. They provide knowledge, strength, and healing to those who ingest them.

The legends say that the plants themselves taught us, humans, how to combine them to create the visionary brew used throughout the Amazon basin and beyond. A common misconception is that Ayahuasca is the most important healer and teacher. A patient participates in a ceremony, drinks medicine with the maestros, does the work, and hopefully gets healed. The reality is that Ayahuasca works hand in hand with other master plants to do the healing work.

When you've completed this retreat, you'll have a new outlook on life and a fresh perspective of what it means to be human. Your dieta will provide a good foundation for building a new life, regardless of what path you choose to take.


For a minimum of three weeks, you will spend your days alone in your private Tambo. It is simple and equipped with a bed, a hammock, a table and chair, and a toilet. There will be no electricity, phone, or internet reception, and the river will be your bathroom.


To start, you will do a Tobacco purge to cleanse your body and energy to prepare a clean vessel for the plants.

After that, you'll have your diet plant daily and do Ayahuasca ceremonies 2 to 3 times per week. Mainly you will spend your time meditating and building a friendship with the plants.

You will be guided and supported by us in cooperation with an indigenous shaman.


With your deposit, your space is securely booked. We will send you the payment information once your reservation is approved.

  • Consider more than just a physical approach to preparing yourself for the work to be done. Include mental preparation as well.

    Your body will be well prepared by abstaining from certain foods, drugs, and depleting activities. We recommend avoiding pork, refined sugars, recreational drugs, alcohol, allopathic medication, and sex for eight days before the retreat. Eating and living as organically as possible, exercising your body, and engaging in activities that serve you will positively affect your experience.

    Meditate on your goals. It helps you refine them and clarify where you are right now and where you want to go. Be mindful, and do not waste your energy in the time close to the retreat. You want to arrive as relaxed and strong as possible.


    More often than not, the process starts with your commitment. As soon as you sign up for an experience like this, your dreams may change, and your issues can surface. If you feel the need to talk to us or have any vital questions, please feel invited to schedule an online appointment.


  • We will send you a long list of needful things from which you can choose depending on how much you need to feel comfortable.

  • You will enter Peru in Lima. From there, take a national flight to Tarapoto.

    We will meet you in Tarapoto at the Cordillera Escalera Ecolodge, where we recommend you stay at least one night before and three nights after the retreat.

    To and from the retreat center, it is a 2.5-hour drive with a 4x4 SUV. We will organize your transportation, and the price for the shuttle is included in the ticket price.